Wednesday 16 December 2020

Magnet Weekly CTF writeup - Week 10

Whew, we are in the 10th week of the Magnet weekly CTF challenge. It's another lengthy memory forensics challenge week so let's get on to it without further ado.

Challenge 10 ( Dec 7 - 14 )
At the time of the RAM collection (20-Apr-20 23:23:26- Imageinfo) there was an established connection to a Google Server.
What was the Remote IP address and port number? format: ""

This would have been straightforward with the netscan Volatility plugin and grepping for established connections, but I could not resolve some of the IP addresses with nslookup. Thankfully a quick search on for the 4 IP addresses with established connections confirmed the answer.

(Note: I redirected stderr to /dev/null to suppress warning messages for deprecated Python2 packages.)


Challenge 10 ( Dec 7 - 14 ) Part 2
What was the Local IP address and port number? same format as part 1

From the netscan output above, we have the answer.


Challenge 10 ( Dec 7 - 14 ) Part 3
What was the URL?

This question had me pulling out my hairs and I must admit, I only got past this question on what I felt was a lucky guess. While trying to determine the process that owned the connection in parts 1 and two, I came across a post by Axlotl Dunk Tank that describes the same symptom I was observing - that established TCP connections were showing up with a PID of -1. Fixing the overlay for Win7x64 from 0x238 to 0x248 per the post gave me the corrected PID of 3604.

Strangely enough, the Volatility chromehistory plugin did not manage to recover any history for me. Next I tried pulling strings from memdump of the chrome.exe process but ended up with way too many URLs for a brute-force attempt. Feeling defeated, I had a look at the file handles for the Chrome process and noticed a handle to the Chrome Cookies database.

Dumping the Cookies database file and opening it in DB Browser for SQLite, we see a few likely candidates based on creation times. Making an educated guess with HTTPS port 443 protocol, combined with the domain (host_key) and path from the Cookies table, I finally arrived at the correct answer after a few tries. (Thankfully there was no limit on the number of attempts for this challenge.)


Challenge 10 ( Dec 7 - 14 ) Part 4
What user was responsible for this activity based on the profile?

This was easy after the hair pulling previous question, as we've already seen the username from the Cookies path.

Answer: Warren

Challenge 10 ( Dec 7 - 14 ) Part 5
How long was this user looking at this browser with this version of Chrome? *format: X:XX:XX.XXXXX * Hint: down to the last second

Hint: Solving this challenge takes FOCUS & time

If I thought part 3 was hard, part 5 almost had me losing my mind. The phrasing of the question had me thinking this might be related to the System Resource Usage Monitor (SRUM) database but the feature wasn't introduced until Windows 8 while this was a Windows 7 image. I then tried a few guesses by manually calculating the duration based on the Chrome processes start time (taken from pslist output) versus the image time but the answer format had me realizing this was not the correct answer or method.

The lightbulb moment came when discussing the question together with a mentor and colleague, with the help of a hint for 5 points and Magnet AXIOM. We then learnt the little known fact that the UserAssist registry key tracks not just the Run Count of applications, but also the focus time the application had. Knowing that focus time is tracked in the UserAssist key, we can then use Volatility's userassist plugin to arrive at the same answer.

Answer: 3:36:47.30100
Note that the focustime from Volatility is 6 decimal places but the question requested for the time format accurate to 5 decimal places.

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