Tuesday 3 November 2020

Magnet Weekly CTF writeup - Week 4

We are on to week 4 of the Magnet Weekly CTF Challenge, and the final question for the Android image from week 1.

Animals That Never Forget
Chester likes to be organized with his busy schedule. Global Unique Identifiers change often, just like his schedule but sometimes Chester enjoys phishing. What was the original GUID for his phishing expedition?

Okay I had absolutely no idea where to start for this week's challenge so I went ahead with parsing the Android image using the fantastic ALEAPP from Alexis Brignoni for some leads. A friend guessed that it might be related to the Calendar or some scheduling app as the question mentioned "organized" and "busy schedule".

Looking through the information parsed by ALEAPP, we see something of interest in the Recent Activity related to Evernote app:

Knowing that Evernote is frequently used as a notes organizer and more, we might be on to something here. So the next step was to extract the app directory for Evernote and take a look at what we have within.

$tar -xf MUS_Android.tar data/data/com.evernote

Poking around at the contents of the app directory, I spied a database at data/data/com.evernote/databases/user213777210-1585004951163-Evernote.db that looks promising so I opened it up with DB Browser for SQLite to have a more detailed look. Within this database we have a table named guid_updates as well as a note within the table notes that has a very suspicious title of "Phishy Phish phish". It is straightforward from here on to get the answer we needed using a simple SQL statement:

We can also confirm the contents of the note in the XML file with matching GUID filename:

$ cat data/data/com.evernote/files/user-213777210/notes/c80/c80ab339-7bec-4b33-8537-4f5a5bd3dd25/content.enml 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM "http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml2.dtd"><en-note><div>Esteemed entrenepeur,</div><div><br /></div><div>My name is Chestnut Russman and I am indeed interested in a sourie with you to discuss potential investment opportunities to your fine establishment.</div><div><br /></div><div>A little more about me:</div><ul><li><div>I'm worked on Wall Street for 10 years and have made my money and retired at age 30. </div></li><li><div>I have large investments in Disney, Uber, Tesla, Microsoft, and many others.</div></li><li><div>I am an inventory with over 25 worldwide patents</div></li><li><div>And I own several very "legal" establishments" that make me a plethora of money every day.</div></li></ul><div><br /></div><div>I believe that together, we can make even more money.</div><div><br /></div><div>Attached is my CV.</div><div><br /></div><div>Graciously</div><div><br /></div><div>Chestnut Russman</div><div><br /></div><div>[Insert malware here]</div><div><br /></div></en-note>

Answer: 7605cc68-8ef3-4274-b6c2-4a9d26acabf1

Fun fact: The question title of "Animals That Never Forget" likely refers to the generalization of elephants having incredible memories and is probably a hint for the Evernote app, which has an icon of an elephant.

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