Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Weekly roundup - 16 Sep 2018

Quick roundup of two articles read last week:

  1. https://www.magnetforensics.com/blog/android-messaging-forensics-sms-mms-and-beyond/
    Jamie McQuaid at Magnet Forensics blogged about the various databases on Android from which SMS/MMS data can be found, with a brief mention of Samsung logs and the newer "Android Messages" application. I do wish there was more information about the icing_mmssms.db database though, such as how and when messages will differ between icing_mmssms.db and the normal mmssms.db.

  2. https://www.magnetforensics.com/blog/qualcomm-phone-edl-mode/
    Magnet Forensics put up a post on getting Qualcomm phones into Emergency Download (EDL) mode via three options, with a link to Aleph Security's detailed post on exploiting EDL programmers.

In other news, Apple launched the new iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR at the iPhone event 2018 which goes up to 512GB of storage. This is going to be a headache for acquisitions and e-discovery...

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Magnet Summit 2022 Virtual CTF - Windows

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